I-PARTICIPATE: Hosting Organization - Greece

I-PARTICIPATE organization aims to strengthen active citizenship, to support active participation
among citizens and to promote European values, ideas and European identity and culture, while at
the same time highlighting lifelong learning as a necessary means for strengthening citizenship.
More specifically its goals are:
i. Sustainable development
ii. Providing generic social services
A. Sustainable development
The organization in furthering its goals promoting sustainable development pursue the following
activities which:
a. promote social and economic justice
b promoting young peoples' pro-social and pro-nature behavior
c. promote gender equality
d. protect and develop the common goods
e. promote an intergenerational and multicultural approach, which will emphasize the specific
characteristics of local communities
f. promote agricultural development
More specifically, the organization’s goals regarding sustainable development can be summarized in
the following activities:
a. Developing individual skills and passing on expertise
b Supporting young people in developing active youth participation skills and enhancing their
ecological behavior and connection with nature and environment
c. Designing and distributing innovative and open source products and services or any form of
technology that promotes equally based production
d. Producing, processing, promoting or sustaining of the productive or cultural heritage of each area
e. Producing and promoting independently created cultural projects
f. Managing real estate in a socially and environmentally neutral way
B. Providing generic social services
The organization regarding the provision of generic social services will pursue activities that promote
quality of life and provide social security in the following groups:
• Young people
• Children
• Senior citizens
• Persons with disabilities or other chronic illnesses
• Refugees and immigrants
• Other minorities and people that face social exclusion
• Members of the LGBTQ community
And provide the following services:
• Educational
• Occupational
• Consulting and orientation
• Research and innovation
• Social assistance
• Writing, managing, implementing and evaluating projects (International, European, National,
Regional and Local)


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